Thursday, June 2, 2011

The Return of Dal

It has been a few weeks since our last visit due to life interrupting our time. I wasted no time jumping right into showing him my new pieces i have been working on in class and sitting in on what I think was the most important critique that I have had so far this year. I can tell that he was impressed and his critique was very straight forward and honest like the man himself. Dal has been pursuing his passion for art a whole year now, given, looking at his work you would have thought he has been doing this a lot longer.
              Afterwards we walked up to his apartment to grab a very excited, medium sized black dog, Dal's trusting companion, 8 year old Lily. We all three then proceeded to walk to the park a few blocks from the apartment, to go find a tree to sketch out and be critiqued next week. During this time we talked about our love for the outdoors, trees and life. If you could see us together, you would sit and ask yourself, what does a 63 year old and a 29 year old have in common? A lot I tell yeah! I could not believe even 2 months ago, that I would be having a talk, starting about mostly art and then drifting into an hour and a half conversation, ending with a hug and a new found respect for Dal Gordon. I have at least 10 more weeks with Dal, I am curious to see what this relationship is going to bring two different men, in different parts of their lives. What knowledge will be given and what knowledge will be passed on.
              I feel in my heart that everyone that reads this, take a chance and start a friendship with a person that is completely out of character. You will be amazed on how alike you two could actually be.
            "Only a person that is ignorant will pass judgement first sight, but a person most genuine at heart will see through the exterior." - D.Vers One

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