Thursday, May 12, 2011

New World Order - 93 years later

We as Americans, no, We The People have to start standing up for ourselves. This system we are all living in has been failing and falling into debt since the beginning. The 1st Bank of America founded by J.D. Rockefella and Mayor D. Rothschild ( Banking tycoon from england) in 1863 Civil War era. Where President Abraham Lincoln asked the bank for a loan for supplies for his soldiers, J.D Rockefella agreed but on these terms, that the American Government had to repay the $4 million dollars back and it would also include an interest rate of 28-36%? President Lincoln being the wise man he is declined and done away with the 1st Bank of America, and printed for the first and last time $4 million dollars of American money. He was later killed and the banking system was reintroduced to the American people, this time as the 2nd Bank of America, later to become the Federal Reserve in 1913. Since then they have been taxing us 17% on the dollar. You do the math, 17% on the dollar for 93 years (not to forget the wars)? what is 17% of the $720 million dollars a day that its costing to fund the war in Iraq? We are letting the greed and power driven anti-Americans put us the people that work everyday, for pennies compared to what they are making, in a very bad position. Thomas Jefferson said," All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent." 
 Are you going to remain silent? Or are we going to stand up to this beast, TOGETHER WE THE PEOPLE ARE MORE POWERFUL THAN ANY SYSTEM. The time is now. - "Everything for Everyone, Nothing for Ourselves."- D.Vers One 

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