Saturday, May 14, 2011

Getting To Know Your Neighbor

  I was having the worst day, stressed about finances, school, and personal issues. Not even thirty minutes after finally calming down, a man named Dal Gordon came into my life. Dal is a 62 year old artist that specializes in sketches only in charcoal. The Chicago native has been all over the states, due to the fact that he was a truck driver in his earlier years, before starting a company by the name of D&D Transportation here in Denver. Dal now attends college at Red Rocks Community College for sculpting, and is working on getting ready to walk the 3k Boulder Boulder Marathon. The interesting thing to me was that Dal and I are so different, but we contrast each other well and we have more in common than would meet the naked eye. We both think we are younger than we are, for you are only as old as you act and feel. We are going to be spending the next 9 weeks together, we will be doing a lot of outdoor walks and activities. I am going to pick Dal's brain for he is an amazing artist with charcoal, we are both on the same page and we are going to try to learn as much as we can from each other to grow as artists. I am so excited to see him again next week, I hope that even after our time is over, that we remain in contact and friends. I am very thankful that I have made such an amazing and interesting person. Thank you Dal, can't wait to see what kind of things we are going to get into. 

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