Friday, May 6, 2011

MKULTRA used on veterans?

"Warning : The Government is Killing Veterans Everyday"

    The last thing you want to happen when the public finds out that you, our US Government, you are trying to use the power you have with ties to foreign leaders, the corrupt Federal Reserve, the Bildergerg group and many other NOT so secret organizations. That are putting this worlds population in to a prison planet, so they  can control and take away the freedoms this country was founded on. Why?  Because (long pause) because they are bored rich sick bastards.
   Well, I'll tell you this, you sure as hell don't want the men and women you trained to fight your money and power gaining wars to be on the opposite side of you. So how can you make sure that you keep these numbers down without publicly stacking bodies on the streets? Well like I said before we have a 60% combat veteran homeless ratio, a veteran suicide rate that is rapidly growing at numbers 4 times the nations average. There is help for us to seek at our local Va facilities, so they heard us in to there grasps. Get in good and ask us to trust them while they use tools learned from our government, to  manipulate us to tell them our problems, so then they can convince us that we need to take their prescription medication with such a pushy persistence. Tempting us with, being able to feel normal back in civilization or what most veterans call the real world. Not going to happen cause during the process, they begin planting little pieces of information in the brains memory bank, things that we won't think about for months, sometimes years. Such words or phrases, a number, set up for common daily activities to trigger and then it hits like a scratched DVD. You turn on your TV and find yourself watching a story on your local News Station, how Sgt. Experiment N. Umber  1001, snapped and killed his wife and 2 small children. I mean we are at the end of the day, just a number, I am DG4094. You think its not possible?
    In the early 1950's to the late 1960's the CIA began working on an ILLEGAL human research program, ran by the Office of Scientific Intelligence, called MKULTRA. MKULTRA was a program that used many methodologies to manipulate individual mental states and brain functions, and they used US and Canadian citizens as test subjects. In 1973, CIA Director Richard Helms ordered all files be destroyed before going under investigation by the Rockefeller Commission and Church Committee. Sounds wrong, why would you want to destroy files?  It had to have been incriminating information for the Director of the CIA to destroy it. This all makes me so angry, this devilish system has grown over the years since they got rid of JFK. Gaining money and power to control, not only a nation but now global New World Order pushes even closer. They have their connections to the most powerful people in the world and like a spiders web, they are waiting patiently, bullying every thing that finds it self stuck in its web of lies, corruption and deception.
    So, this wacky idea I have about how the VA and our government is using MKULTRA along with prescription drugs to silently and slowly kill off veterans, so they stand useless if the day of a revolution arrives. 60% homeless + a growing suicide rate x prescription drugs = DEAD and USELESS. Time to wake up, and help wake these men and women that served this country as young eager to please troubled minorities. Now older and wiser, Unite and stand up to this beast, snap out of it, they have money we have numbers.
  So, if you had abilities to experiment and alter the mentality of the US population. What channel would you use on the unknowing prey of human beings that worked to build this country and give you the power in which is going to be their end? The News, everyone has a TV and everyone watches the News, they have it on at 5:30 am -11 pm every night. Are you a victim of our government? WAKE UP! Veterans are dropping like flies and we are all getting dumbed down.                                                                                                                                Silence Us Never, All or nothing. - D.Vers One

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