Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Peeling the Layers

The uncomfortable waves flow throughout, heart pounding out of your chest like a rocket out of a A-10 fighter jet. The roller coaster of feelings that begin to climb, sweat beads ever so cold and slow off your head. Then the hill, brace for it, happy, sad, scared, a tsunami of every feeling you can feel, in a complete and udder panic, "Stop .. Calm down!" Over and over again you say to yourself. In the mist of all of this, you are at work, or school. You are in a argument with your spouse, having dinner with your family. These are some off the things that a veteran suffering with PTSD has to over come on a daily basis. I will continue to speak of these issues, I have lost my friends, spouses, kids, and family, If they were better educated on this mental illness, I would still have them in my life. This could or might be your brother, husband, sister, mom, dad, friend, or wife that is going through this. The facts are that 40% of combat veterans are getting by, they aren't extreme like the other 60% that have found themselves homeless and alone. I can not stress enough, that because of these feeling we feel and the way we act sometimes, it can be unbearable to those closest to us. If you leave us alone we tend to fall in the statistic of veteran suicide, which is already 4 times the NATIONS average, there is a flaw somewhere in the system. Why does the government not want the public to know this? Think about that, I will touch on this issue next time. Until then remember this " Everything for everyone, Take nothing for ourselves!"LIVE IT, Pay it forward my friends, dust your neighbor off and soon you will feel a pat on your ass. - Check out more on D.Vers One Street Apparel and our movement @ .

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