Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Leaving Your Mark

I find it hard to swallow how ignorance is bliss when it comes to the mass majority of the population, not only America, but the whole world now. In recent news the head lines will read "WE GOT HIM", we got who you ask. The number one wanted man in the world, our old friend Osama Bin Ladin. Many do not know,  but I call him an old friend because he was once a member of our Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), up until his recent retirement. Many of our people are feeling victorious on our war on terror, not paying attention to how history repeats itself. What are you talking about? Well for example, May 1st, 1945 was the death of Adolph Hitler and the end to the Nazi's. 66 years later, May 1st, 2011 the death and capture of Osama Bin Ladin. How history repeats itself, American history is full of this helpful information, but most do not want to believe our world leaders are not looking after our best interests, or are lying to us. To me every one of these presidents are marking their spot in history, Bush started the war over 9/11, which I might add the death toll in Iraq is more than double the deaths from the towers, but we had to go get Saddam, he had weapons of mass destruction, and now President Obama has captured Osama bin Ladin. I challenge you to this America, If history repeats itself, then we have a revolution in our future, look in to these so called conspiracy theories, either you believe that Osama and the Taliban conspired against us on September 11, 2001 or our government conspired against us,  either way, you believe in CONSPIRACY!  Lets get back to the days of old, "EVERYTHING FOR EVERYONE, TAKE NOTHING FOR OURSELVES!" -Subcomandante Marcos, ELZN

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