Friday, June 10, 2011

An Adventure

       So I arrive around 4:30 pm to meet up with Dal, who I was pleased to see was as eager as I was to get out doors. After instructing me to get my truck, he quickly ran up stairs to get Lily. All loaded up we headed to Bear Creek Trail in Lakewood. We walked for a good 10 minutes, the scenery was full of the greenest trees full with leaves and the texture of the bark was standing out even more so today due to the shadows that the sun light helped create. A creek 8 to 9 feet across flowed calmly with such ease. I pulled out the old sketch book and found an image i wanted to recreate. Well Lily sniffed around exploring the terrain, Dal sat on a rock and jammed his harmonica. I will tell you that I never really heard it played before, well not like him, very relaxing tones came singing into my ears. We packed up and continued on walk after about 20 minutes.
        In the truck again, heading back, I took Dal to get his prescriptions. We were in King Soopers for no more than 10 minutes, paid, and continued home. I was a good 3 blocks from Dal's apartment when he realized he had misplaced his wallet. What a great day and to be ruined like this was not going to be in our future. We turned around and retraced our steps, looked and asked everyone if they had found a wallet. The search was endless, I was determined to help my friend as I know he would me. With not a worry in the world Dal chuckled to him self and said lets go no worries. I would have been flipping out, the end of the world so to speak if I were in his shoes, this he knows.  So he says this to me, "This brings us back to what we talked about earlier today, there are things we can control and fix with our hands, and the things we can't, forget them, and move forward."

Thursday, June 2, 2011

The Return of Dal

It has been a few weeks since our last visit due to life interrupting our time. I wasted no time jumping right into showing him my new pieces i have been working on in class and sitting in on what I think was the most important critique that I have had so far this year. I can tell that he was impressed and his critique was very straight forward and honest like the man himself. Dal has been pursuing his passion for art a whole year now, given, looking at his work you would have thought he has been doing this a lot longer.
              Afterwards we walked up to his apartment to grab a very excited, medium sized black dog, Dal's trusting companion, 8 year old Lily. We all three then proceeded to walk to the park a few blocks from the apartment, to go find a tree to sketch out and be critiqued next week. During this time we talked about our love for the outdoors, trees and life. If you could see us together, you would sit and ask yourself, what does a 63 year old and a 29 year old have in common? A lot I tell yeah! I could not believe even 2 months ago, that I would be having a talk, starting about mostly art and then drifting into an hour and a half conversation, ending with a hug and a new found respect for Dal Gordon. I have at least 10 more weeks with Dal, I am curious to see what this relationship is going to bring two different men, in different parts of their lives. What knowledge will be given and what knowledge will be passed on.
              I feel in my heart that everyone that reads this, take a chance and start a friendship with a person that is completely out of character. You will be amazed on how alike you two could actually be.
            "Only a person that is ignorant will pass judgement first sight, but a person most genuine at heart will see through the exterior." - D.Vers One

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Unknown

Lying awake, cold, soaked in a sweat that burns the soul. Now sitting erect in bed scared looking around an empty dark room filled with only shadows from the night before. Where am I?  The room now fills with dark red sand and I can’t even see my hand in front of my face. Back in uniform, armed and pumped with the will to survive. Hot air beating down with every blow upon my face, one hundred and fifty degrees, bullets whipping by my head, I scream for help but I am alone.
            Stuck in my head or is this a reality? What do I have to do to get away from these feelings, a life that will never be calm, never be normal? Two hours of sleep a day, if luck strikes, you can count another hour and a half.  Your eyes wear the exhaustion as blood shot. Pale skin tone, black circles of frustration accent your already zombie appearance. Stress of daily activities pound down on you with the force of sledge hammers beating iron of a blacksmith. Sparks of your old life fly out of reach, trying to grasp anything real you strike your fists to your head, nothing. Numb to it all, you can’t understand why you have reached this place. The stranger you see in the mirror every day has helped you push everyone away. So not only mentally mad, but alone too. No one around to stop the cold steel from piercing the flesh, where now a river flows, so beautiful, peaceful, finally calm. At the last second, you want to rush and tell everyone you fought, “LOOK, LOOK AT ME I AM BETTER!”
            By now it’s too late, No one around to even care, what difference does it make, you are half empty after once being half full. Heading to the unknown. 

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Getting To Know Your Neighbor

  I was having the worst day, stressed about finances, school, and personal issues. Not even thirty minutes after finally calming down, a man named Dal Gordon came into my life. Dal is a 62 year old artist that specializes in sketches only in charcoal. The Chicago native has been all over the states, due to the fact that he was a truck driver in his earlier years, before starting a company by the name of D&D Transportation here in Denver. Dal now attends college at Red Rocks Community College for sculpting, and is working on getting ready to walk the 3k Boulder Boulder Marathon. The interesting thing to me was that Dal and I are so different, but we contrast each other well and we have more in common than would meet the naked eye. We both think we are younger than we are, for you are only as old as you act and feel. We are going to be spending the next 9 weeks together, we will be doing a lot of outdoor walks and activities. I am going to pick Dal's brain for he is an amazing artist with charcoal, we are both on the same page and we are going to try to learn as much as we can from each other to grow as artists. I am so excited to see him again next week, I hope that even after our time is over, that we remain in contact and friends. I am very thankful that I have made such an amazing and interesting person. Thank you Dal, can't wait to see what kind of things we are going to get into. 

Thursday, May 12, 2011

New World Order - 93 years later

We as Americans, no, We The People have to start standing up for ourselves. This system we are all living in has been failing and falling into debt since the beginning. The 1st Bank of America founded by J.D. Rockefella and Mayor D. Rothschild ( Banking tycoon from england) in 1863 Civil War era. Where President Abraham Lincoln asked the bank for a loan for supplies for his soldiers, J.D Rockefella agreed but on these terms, that the American Government had to repay the $4 million dollars back and it would also include an interest rate of 28-36%? President Lincoln being the wise man he is declined and done away with the 1st Bank of America, and printed for the first and last time $4 million dollars of American money. He was later killed and the banking system was reintroduced to the American people, this time as the 2nd Bank of America, later to become the Federal Reserve in 1913. Since then they have been taxing us 17% on the dollar. You do the math, 17% on the dollar for 93 years (not to forget the wars)? what is 17% of the $720 million dollars a day that its costing to fund the war in Iraq? We are letting the greed and power driven anti-Americans put us the people that work everyday, for pennies compared to what they are making, in a very bad position. Thomas Jefferson said," All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent." 
 Are you going to remain silent? Or are we going to stand up to this beast, TOGETHER WE THE PEOPLE ARE MORE POWERFUL THAN ANY SYSTEM. The time is now. - "Everything for Everyone, Nothing for Ourselves."- D.Vers One 

Friday, May 6, 2011

MKULTRA used on veterans?

"Warning : The Government is Killing Veterans Everyday"

    The last thing you want to happen when the public finds out that you, our US Government, you are trying to use the power you have with ties to foreign leaders, the corrupt Federal Reserve, the Bildergerg group and many other NOT so secret organizations. That are putting this worlds population in to a prison planet, so they  can control and take away the freedoms this country was founded on. Why?  Because (long pause) because they are bored rich sick bastards.
   Well, I'll tell you this, you sure as hell don't want the men and women you trained to fight your money and power gaining wars to be on the opposite side of you. So how can you make sure that you keep these numbers down without publicly stacking bodies on the streets? Well like I said before we have a 60% combat veteran homeless ratio, a veteran suicide rate that is rapidly growing at numbers 4 times the nations average. There is help for us to seek at our local Va facilities, so they heard us in to there grasps. Get in good and ask us to trust them while they use tools learned from our government, to  manipulate us to tell them our problems, so then they can convince us that we need to take their prescription medication with such a pushy persistence. Tempting us with, being able to feel normal back in civilization or what most veterans call the real world. Not going to happen cause during the process, they begin planting little pieces of information in the brains memory bank, things that we won't think about for months, sometimes years. Such words or phrases, a number, set up for common daily activities to trigger and then it hits like a scratched DVD. You turn on your TV and find yourself watching a story on your local News Station, how Sgt. Experiment N. Umber  1001, snapped and killed his wife and 2 small children. I mean we are at the end of the day, just a number, I am DG4094. You think its not possible?
    In the early 1950's to the late 1960's the CIA began working on an ILLEGAL human research program, ran by the Office of Scientific Intelligence, called MKULTRA. MKULTRA was a program that used many methodologies to manipulate individual mental states and brain functions, and they used US and Canadian citizens as test subjects. In 1973, CIA Director Richard Helms ordered all files be destroyed before going under investigation by the Rockefeller Commission and Church Committee. Sounds wrong, why would you want to destroy files?  It had to have been incriminating information for the Director of the CIA to destroy it. This all makes me so angry, this devilish system has grown over the years since they got rid of JFK. Gaining money and power to control, not only a nation but now global New World Order pushes even closer. They have their connections to the most powerful people in the world and like a spiders web, they are waiting patiently, bullying every thing that finds it self stuck in its web of lies, corruption and deception.
    So, this wacky idea I have about how the VA and our government is using MKULTRA along with prescription drugs to silently and slowly kill off veterans, so they stand useless if the day of a revolution arrives. 60% homeless + a growing suicide rate x prescription drugs = DEAD and USELESS. Time to wake up, and help wake these men and women that served this country as young eager to please troubled minorities. Now older and wiser, Unite and stand up to this beast, snap out of it, they have money we have numbers.
  So, if you had abilities to experiment and alter the mentality of the US population. What channel would you use on the unknowing prey of human beings that worked to build this country and give you the power in which is going to be their end? The News, everyone has a TV and everyone watches the News, they have it on at 5:30 am -11 pm every night. Are you a victim of our government? WAKE UP! Veterans are dropping like flies and we are all getting dumbed down.                                                                                                                                Silence Us Never, All or nothing. - D.Vers One

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Peeling the Layers

The uncomfortable waves flow throughout, heart pounding out of your chest like a rocket out of a A-10 fighter jet. The roller coaster of feelings that begin to climb, sweat beads ever so cold and slow off your head. Then the hill, brace for it, happy, sad, scared, a tsunami of every feeling you can feel, in a complete and udder panic, "Stop .. Calm down!" Over and over again you say to yourself. In the mist of all of this, you are at work, or school. You are in a argument with your spouse, having dinner with your family. These are some off the things that a veteran suffering with PTSD has to over come on a daily basis. I will continue to speak of these issues, I have lost my friends, spouses, kids, and family, If they were better educated on this mental illness, I would still have them in my life. This could or might be your brother, husband, sister, mom, dad, friend, or wife that is going through this. The facts are that 40% of combat veterans are getting by, they aren't extreme like the other 60% that have found themselves homeless and alone. I can not stress enough, that because of these feeling we feel and the way we act sometimes, it can be unbearable to those closest to us. If you leave us alone we tend to fall in the statistic of veteran suicide, which is already 4 times the NATIONS average, there is a flaw somewhere in the system. Why does the government not want the public to know this? Think about that, I will touch on this issue next time. Until then remember this " Everything for everyone, Take nothing for ourselves!"LIVE IT, Pay it forward my friends, dust your neighbor off and soon you will feel a pat on your ass. - Check out more on D.Vers One Street Apparel and our movement @ .

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Leaving Your Mark

I find it hard to swallow how ignorance is bliss when it comes to the mass majority of the population, not only America, but the whole world now. In recent news the head lines will read "WE GOT HIM", we got who you ask. The number one wanted man in the world, our old friend Osama Bin Ladin. Many do not know,  but I call him an old friend because he was once a member of our Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), up until his recent retirement. Many of our people are feeling victorious on our war on terror, not paying attention to how history repeats itself. What are you talking about? Well for example, May 1st, 1945 was the death of Adolph Hitler and the end to the Nazi's. 66 years later, May 1st, 2011 the death and capture of Osama Bin Ladin. How history repeats itself, American history is full of this helpful information, but most do not want to believe our world leaders are not looking after our best interests, or are lying to us. To me every one of these presidents are marking their spot in history, Bush started the war over 9/11, which I might add the death toll in Iraq is more than double the deaths from the towers, but we had to go get Saddam, he had weapons of mass destruction, and now President Obama has captured Osama bin Ladin. I challenge you to this America, If history repeats itself, then we have a revolution in our future, look in to these so called conspiracy theories, either you believe that Osama and the Taliban conspired against us on September 11, 2001 or our government conspired against us,  either way, you believe in CONSPIRACY!  Lets get back to the days of old, "EVERYTHING FOR EVERYONE, TAKE NOTHING FOR OURSELVES!" -Subcomandante Marcos, ELZN